Are you interested in becoming a vendor at the Brookside Village Community Market? We are currently accepting vendors for our two community markets – Fall Market on 11/17/2024 and Spring Market on 4/6/2025. Vendor fee is $25 / market.
If you would like to apply to vend at the market, please make sure you first:
- Read and understand the BVM Market Rules
- Read, agree to, and are prepared to sign the Participation Agreement
- Read, agree to, and are prepared to sign the Indemnity Agreement
Vendor Resources
State Regulations for Farmer’s Market Vendors
There are both State and Country regulations for vending at farmer’s markets. Learn about state regulations on the Department of State Health Services website.
Brazoria County Environmental Health Dept
The Environmental Health Deptarment regulates permits for food establishments and temporary food establishments in Brazoria County.
Cottage Food Laws
The Cottage Food Law in Texas was updated in Sept. of 2019 to make it easier for the Cottage Food industry. There are no permits, licenses, or inspections required to start a cottage food business. There are rules, food handling license regulations, and labeling requirements. Read more about the Texas Cottage Food Law.
Insurance Requirements
Vendors are required to carry their own liability insurance in order to vend at the market. Food Liability Insurance can be obtained through FLIP – Food Liability Insurance Program.
Food Handler Permits
Cottage Food operators are required to have a valid Food Handler’s Permit, which can be obtained via an online course for as little as $7.99. You can view a list of accredited Food Handler Permit vendors on the DSHS website.
Temporary Food Establishment Permits & Potentially Hazardous Foods
A Temporary Food Establishment Permit is required to sell any Potentially Hazardous Food/Time Temperature Controlled Substance (PHF/TCS) at a farmers market. A potentially hazardous food (PHF) is a food that requires time and temperature control to limit pathogen growth or toxin production. In other words, potentially hazardous food must be held under proper temperature controls, such as refrigeration to prevent the growth of bacteria that may cause human illness. A PHF/TCS is a food that: contains protein, moisture (water activity greater than 0.85), and is neutral to slightly acidic (pH between 4.6 -7.5). A link to apply for a Temporary Food Establishment Permit for Brazoria County is linked in the Brazoria County section, above.
Local Food, Farm, & Ranch Legislation
If you are a farmer, rancher, or proponent of local food systems, consider supporting the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA), which promotes common sense policies for local, diversified agricultural systems and advocates for independent farmers at a state and national level.